“Live and let live.”
Means: Menerima orang lain sebagaimana adanya mereka, walaupun mungkin cara hidup mereka berbeda.
Ex :Let us live and let live.
“Earn a living”
Means: bekerja mencari uang atau nafkah.
Ex : Everybody needs to earn a living to live a decent life.
“Break a Leg”
Means: semoga berhasil
Ex: I know you have an interview tomorrow. Break a leg!
“From scratch”
Means: memulai dari awal, mencapai sesuatu tanpa bermodal
Ex: He built his company from scratch. Now he’s successful.
“A piece of cake”
Means: sesuatu yang sangat mudah dilakukan.
Ex: The English test was a piece of cake. It took me 15 minutes to do it.
“Blow your own horn”
Means: memamerkan prestasi & kemampuan diri
Ex: She never listens. She always blows her own horn.
“Feeling blue”
Means: merasa kurang sehat, terutama berhubungan dengan
perasaan sedih & depresi.
Ex: He’s feeling blue after she left.
“An eyesore”
Means: sesuatu yang secara visual terlihat sangat jelek.
Ex: His outfit is such an eyesore. It’s so ugly!
“Like pulling teeth”
Means: situasi di mana sangat sulit mendapat yang kita inginkan dari seseorang.
Ex: Talking to him is like pulling teeth.
“Steal the show”
Means: mencuri perhatian semua orang.
Ex: The band performed really well that they stole the show last night.
“Music to my ears”
Means: perkataan yang sangat ingin kamu dengar.
Ex: His boyfriend’s words are music to her ears.
“take a bow.”
Means: memberi hormat setelah seseorang melakukan sesuatu yang pantas dipuji.
Ex: Great performance. Let’s take a bow!
“outside the box” atau “off the chain”
Means: punya ide yang brilian, original dan tidak biasa.
Ex: His idea is outside the box.
"let bygones be bygones"
Means: yang berlalu biarlah berlalu
Ex: Let the the story bygones be bygones
"All Ears"
Means: Siap/mau mendengarkan.
Ex: Tell about him. I’m all ears.
"Lend me a hand"
Means: membantuku.
Ex: Would you lend me a hand?
"Write off"
Means: menghapus
Ex: Don't write me off just yet!
"I don’t give a damn"
Means: aku tidak peduli.
Ex : For those problems, I don’t give a damn.
’rock the ground’
means: do our best
Ex: Don't worry, just rock the ground!!!
"big deal"
means: masalah besar
Ex: Ouch, that's a big deal.
Sumber: http://rumahbelajarbali.wordpress.com
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